• This project was the final for my Fall semester’s “Managing Creative Projects and Teams” course. The course was comprised of various team management techniques, culminating in a final project that utilized the methods learned. Our team, “KRNL” (pronounced “kernel”), formed through a mutual interest in the environmental and social impacts of American corn farming. We produced a final deliverable in the form of a comprehensive casebook outlining our research, process, and solution (linked below).

  • America’s current agricultural processes take a massive toll on the health of its soil, ecosystems, and population. Common practices such as monocropping, tilling, and heavy use of fertilizers have exasperated both the climate and public health crises.

  • We developed a go-to-market strategy for an accessible educational platform. Our KRNL platform is two-sided, providing regenerative farming information and techniques to farmers while additionally educating the general public about current sustainability practices and legislation.

  • Our team employed a wide variety of processes throughout this project. We began with a wide breadth of research to gain a holistic understanding of this broad issue. Additionally, we used four techniques to synthesize the information we had researched. These techniques included: Eduard de Bono’s “6 Thinking Hats”, Problem Framing, Persona Building, and developing our Brand Golden Circle. After these four exercises, we crafted a design brief and embarked on ideating a potential go-to-market strategy.